Medical Education

What’s Next? The Art of Teaching with Tech

You might not think Augmented Reality, 3D modeling or YouTube have much to do with CME, but think again.  CME Outfitters is constantly innovating and experimenting with new technology and online media platforms to make learning more convenient and effective for busy health care providers.

As part of an educational grant from Johnson & Johnson, we’ve integrated custom digital animations into both live meetings and enduring presentations so that concepts can be shown rather than just explained. At the Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians and this spring and summer’s PAINWeekEND meetings, CME Outfitters has premiered interactive, custom-built 3D animations to demonstrate acute and chronic pain pathways and addiction pathways. Through our exclusive agreement with Educational Measures, these animations supplement expert faculty discussions by allowing them both the presenter and audience members to zoom in and rotate specific sites of interest, allowing for giving an in- depth exploration of the topic at hand.

To further fuel engagement with learners, CME Outfitters will debut the use of augmented reality to help learners better understand the different types of pain, as well as addiction pathways. At the American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting  a “hologram” of sorts interactively illustrate s the brain/body reaction to pain and factors that influence pain perception within a 6-foot tall, life-size human being standing right next to our faculty member onstage. The event is also broadcasted via livestream for those unable to attend in person.

While nearly all CME meetings end with a Q&A between the audience and faculty, CME Outfitters gives each audience member an iPad to both follow along with the presentation and submit questions throughout. These questions are displayed to the faculty member and help indicate what points need to be explored further. Rather than saving up questions until the end of the presentation when time is limited, this format allows for a less didactic presentation that can be fitted to points of interest in real-time.

Technological advancements are leading the way in making education more accessible to busy physicians, as well as providing more intuitive ways to demonstrate information. When physicians are able to learn outside the clinic, the better the care they will be able to provide to their patients. CME Outfitters online hubs offer a one-stop location for HCPs to gather useful resources and our YouTube channel allows learners to view activities by playlist or to create their own self-tailored playlists.  Activities are also available in podcast format for listening on the go. Whatever the future may offer in terms of educational tools, you can be sure that CME Outfitters will soon be utilizing them.

About the Author
Evan Luberger
Medical Editor
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