Respiratory Resources

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Animated Resources of the Lung and COPD

Top Takeaways from this Activity: SMART Goals

An Animated Look at COPD Treatments

Take a tour of the different treatments for COPD and their impact on alveoli and at the cellular level. Represented in the animations are short-acting bronchodilators, maintenance treatment with LAMA/LABA, LABA/ICS, LAMA/LABA/ICS.





An Animated Look at COPD

In this animation, you can take an animated tour of the lungs. Click on different parts of the anatomy to better understand the animation, click to zoom in, turn, or zoom out on the structure. In Chapter 1, we begin with healthy lung that you can move around to better understand. Chapter 2 illustrates COPD with hyperinflation. Moving to Chapter 3, we see healthy alveoli, before comparing alveoli in COPD with exacerbation in Chapter 4. Finally, in Chapter 5 you can see the increase in eosinophils.



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Respiratory Resources
Event Date: 05/12/2022