FREE E-Consultations and Digital Health Coaching

FREE E-Consultations and Digital Health Coaching

Get free digital health coaching for your patients and free e-consults with a specialist.

 CME Outfitters has partnered with AristaMD to offer free eConsults and has also partnered with Pack Health to offer 3-month digital health coaching programs to patients.

Free 1-on-1 Digital Health Coaching for Your Patients

Enroll your patients in this fully funded digital health coaching program. Over the course of 3 months, Pack Health Advisors provide behavior change support by:

  • Creating personalized action plans to change health behaviors
  • Providing tangible accountability tools (e.g. medication charts, health budgets, and day trackers)
  • Referring to local resources (e.g. transportation resources)
  • Arranging for services (e.g. mail-order pharmacy)
  • Securing discounts/cost savings (e.g. medication assistance programs)

Pair your patients with a non-clinical health advisors to provide them with the support they need between visits:

  • Step 2: Enter your patients’ information

Free e-Consultations with AristaMD

This is provided FREE for you and your patients, registration takes 2 mins, and the month does not start until your first eConsult is entered. E-consults can replace >70% of routine referrals and can improve patient outcomes.

Registration is easy and it’s FREE for you and your patients:

  1. Complete this sign up form>> Registration takes 2 minutes
  2. Your account will be set up and you will be notified via email
  3. A welcome email will come to you from the AristaMD team will all information needed to get started – you’ll be trained and ready to used the platform in 10 mins