Closing the Divide: Tailoring ART Regimens and Enhancing Competency for Optimal HIV Management


Christina M. Madison, PharmD, FCCP, AAHIVP
Founder and CEO
The Public Health Pharmacist, PLLC

Statement of Need

Current guidelines for antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatments for HIV do not necessarily include new treatment regimens for special populations such as those who are pregnant, have drug-resistant HIV, or comorbid conditions such as HBV. Health care practitioners (HCPs) therefore require education on individualizing considerations, especially in complex cases, for the most appropriate ART regimen to ensure long-term treatment success for people living with HIV (PLWH). Members of the multidisciplinary team treating PLWH, in particular, will benefit from exploring the latest treatment options available and how to individualize and coordinate care.  

In this CME Outfitters Infographic, expert faculty will present patient profiles to select and tailor ART treatment regimens based on individual needs, comorbidities and long-term health outcomes including maintaining viral suppression with drug resistance and treating HIV and HBV co-infections. “Escape-room” style activities will model practice environments with challenges designed by expert, multidisciplinary faculty to effectively engage learners using gaming elements to teach treatment options for PLWH.   

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to better:

  • Evaluate patient profiles to select and tailor guideline-directed ART regimens based on individual needs, comorbidities, and long-term health outcomes
  • Select optimal ART regimens for achieving and maintaining long-term viral suppression in the setting of drug resistance
  • Integrate appropriate treatment strategies for patients with HIV and HBV co-infection

Financial Support

This educational activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Target Audience

HCPs who treat, care for, and/or support people with HIV (PWH), including, but not limited to, HIV specialists, nephrologists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners (NPs), physician associates (PAs), and primary care practitioners (PCPs)/general practitioners (GPs)

Credit Information

Jointly Accredited Provider

In support of improving patient care, CME Outfitters, LLC, is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Physicians (ACCME) 1.0

CME Outfitters, LLC, designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Pharmacists (ACPE) 1.0

This application-based activity is approved for 1.00 contact hours (0.1 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy credit (JA0007185-0000-24-094-H01-P).

Nurses (ANCC) 1.0

This activity is designated for 1.00 contact hours.

California Residents: This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. CME Outfitters, LLC’s provider number is CEP15510.

Note to Nurse Practitioners: The content of this CNE activity pertains to Pharmacology.

Interprofessional (IPCE) 1.0

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 1.00 Interprofessional Continuing Education Credit for learning and change.

Physician Assistants (AAPA): 1.0

CME Outfitters, LLC, has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. Approval is valid until 12/23/2025. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.


Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 1.00 MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.

MIPS Improvement Activity

Completion of this accredited CME activity meets the expectations of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program (IA_PSPA_28) for the Merit-based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS). Clinicians should submit their improvement activities by attestation via the CMS Quality Payment Program website.

Royal College MOC

Through an agreement between the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, medical practitioners participating in the Royal College MOC Program may record completion of accredited activities registered under the ACCME’s “CME in Support of MOC” program in Section 3 of the Royal College’s MOC Program.


Through a mutual recognition agreement between the AMA and the UEMS-EACCME, European physicians completing an e-learning activity from a US-based ACCME-accredited CME provider can use AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ toward their credit requirements. CME Outfitters is based in Radnor, Pennsylvania, USA. Please retain your certificate as proof of completion.

Disclosure Declaration

It is the policy of CME Outfitters, LLC, to ensure independence, balance, objectivity, and scientific rigor and integrity in all of their CME/CE activities. Faculty must disclose to the participants any relationships with commercial companies whose products or devices may be mentioned in faculty presentations, or with the commercial supporter of this CME/CE activity. CME Outfitters, LLC, has evaluated, identified, and attempted to resolve any potential conflicts of interest through a rigorous content validation procedure, use of evidence-based data/research, and a multidisciplinary peer review process. Relevant financial relationships exist between the following individuals and commercial interests:

Dr. Madison reports the following financial relationships:

Advisory Board and Consultant:  GSK; ViiV Healthcare; and Sanofi

Stock Shareholder (ownership interest): Pills2Me and Wellness Equity Alliance

The following individuals have no financial relationships to disclose: 

Joshua Caballero, PharmD, BCPP, FCCP (Peer Reviewer)
Albert Eubanks, Jr., RN (Peer Reviewer)
Mary Gleason, PhD, CHCP (Planning Committee)
Chelsey Goins, PhD (Planning Committee)
Scott J. Hershman, MD, FACEHP, CHCP (Planning Committee)
Sandra Caballero, PharmD (Planning Committee)
Sharon Tordoff (Planning Committee)

*All identified conflicts of interest have been mitigated.

Unlabeled Use Disclosure
Faculty of this CME/CE activity may include discussions of products or devices that are not currently labeled for use by the FDA. The faculty have been informed of their responsibility to disclose to the audience if they will be discussing off-label or investigational uses (any uses not approved by the FDA) of products or devices. CME Outfitters, LLC, the faculty, planners, and reviewers do not endorse the use of any product outside of the FDA labeled indications. Medical professionals should not utilize the procedures, products, or diagnosis techniques discussed during this activity without evaluation of their patient for contraindications or dangers of use.

Questions about this activity?

Call us at 877.CME.PROS (877.263.7767).


Closing the Divide: Tailoring ART Regimens and Enhancing Competency for Optimal HIV Management
Event Date: 12/23/2024 at 12:00 am EST