Chronic Pain

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Achieving Equity in the Management of Chronic Pain: Treating the Whole Patient

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Parameters of Pain Care: Mitigating Racial Disparities in Patients with Chronic Pain



Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Addressing Disparities in Care: Assessing Patient Characteristics When Determining Next Steps for Anticoagulant Treatment Selection

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5                  Cost: Free

Addressing Disparities in the Care of Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5                  Cost: Free

Call to Action for Health Equity: Racial Disparities in the Care of Patients with Cardiometabolic Disease

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Irregular Care: Racial Inequities in the Management of Cardiac Rhythm Disorders

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Racial Disparities in Cardiac Arrythmia Care: A Call to Action




Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Closing the Gap: Disparities in Oral Health and Access to Dental Care

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Promoting Equitable Oral Health in Patients of Color




Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

Accurate Diagnosis, Evidence-Based Treatment, and Long-Term Management of Persons of Color with AD

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Call to Action: Healing Racial Disparities in Dermatological Health

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Racial Disparities in Melanoma Care: Steps to Improve Care

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

The Patient Voice: Defining Health Care Disparities in Atopic Dermatitis Care



Implicit Bias

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Equity and Health Care Disparities: The Role of Leaders in Addressing the Crisis

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

Proceedings of the Forum: Addressing Unconscious Bias and Disparities in Health Care: A Call to Action



Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Managing the Patient with IBD Throughout Life: Best Practices in Transitional Care

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Meeting the Needs of Under-Represented Patients with IBD: Screening and Immunizations

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

The Important Role of Preventive Screening in IBD: How, Who, and Does It Matter?

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

The Medical Neighborhood and IBD: Steps to Improve Care for All Patients




Infectious Disease

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

As We Age: Considering the Impact of Renal Impairment When Choosing an HIV PrEP Formulation

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Intercepting Inequities: Strategies for Improving PrEP Uptake Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Looking Ahead: Long-Term Implications of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Treatment Decisions

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Maintaining the Course: Practical Strategies for Achieving PrEP Goals and Navigating Comorbidities

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Opening the Door to Trust: Discussing HIV Risk Assessment and Prevention with Adolescents

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Prior Treatment Failure: Addressing the Challenge in HIV Care

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Rapid Treatment of HCV for People Who Inject Drugs to Increase Cure Rates

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Supporting Opioid Substitution Treatment and Hepatitis C Treatment in People Who Inject Drugs: A Strategy Toward Hepatitis C Elimination

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Switching Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Your African American Patients: When and How

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Targeting Treatment: Selecting Optimal Therapy for Vulnerable Patients



Maternal Health

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Addressing Maternal Health Disparities: Changes You Can Make to Your Practice

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Call to Action: Racial Disparities in Maternal Health



Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Inequitable Access and Outcomes: Health Care Disparities in Surgical Weight-Loss Procedures

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Overcoming Implicit Bias and Stigma: Managing Underserved Populations with Obesity to Improve Adherence to Treatment Plans

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5                  Cost: Free

The Epidemic Within the Pandemic: Managing Complications in Populations with Obesity

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

The Impact of Racial Disparities on Obesity and COVID-19 Care



Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Action Steps to Address Inequities in Cancer Care Access, Treatment, and Outcomes in Your Community *COMING SOON

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

Ahead of the Game: Updates in Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.5                  Cost: Free

Degendering Symptom Assessment to Appropriately Evaluate for Malignancies

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5                  Cost: Free

Disentangling Gendered Cancer Care: Improving Cervical and Breast Screenings for Sexual and Gender Minority People

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

A Hot Potato in Health Care: Whose Responsibility is it to Advocate for Cancer Screenings for SGM Patients?

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Getting Ahead of irAEs: Fostering Change in Structural Systems for Disadvantaged Populations

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.0                  Cost: Free

Informed Therapy for Black Women with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Meeting Them Where They Are and Moving Toward Better Outcomes

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Root Cause Analysis: Examining Structural Racism and SDoH to Combat Inequities in Cancer Care


Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Unequal Burden: Understanding the Roots of Health Disparities in Cancer Care




Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Addressing Racial Disparities in Orthopedic Care



Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 0.75                Cost: Free

Addressing Racial Disparities in Patients with Schizophrenia: Making the Commitment to Do Better

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5                  Cost: Free

Creating Action Steps for Linking Underserved Populations with Hepatitis C Care

Provider:  CME Outfitters, LLC    Number of Credits: 1.5  Cost: Free

Turning the Tide on Patient Engagement, Treatment Adherence, and Continuity of Care in Schizophrenia: The Role of Long-Acting Injectables in Optimizing Outcomes