COMING SOON: a unique series of CMECast podcasts focused on the treatment of gynecologic cancers, in partnership with a faculty champion, Richard Penson, MD, of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. This 6-month series includes once-monthly, 30-minute podcasts on topics in the areas of endometrial and ovarian cancers. The goal of the podcast series is to present the latest cutting-edge research and clinical trials that will inform and change current practice patterns.

Richard T. Penson, MD, MRCP
Richard T. Penson, MD, MRCP, is a Medical Oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. A key opinion leader, Dr. Penson was a longstanding member of the Gynecologic Oncology Group Ovarian and Quality of Life Committees and now serves on the Foundation’s Investigator Council. He is the national Principal Investigator (PI) of the olaparib registration trial (SOLO-2) and the international PI of SOLO3, and the OVAL trial. He has taught on Harvard’s Practice of Medicine Course, the Bigelow General Medical Service at Massachusetts General Hospital, and is one of the Chairs of the Institutional Review Board of Dana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center.