Blog Category: Treatment

Magnetic Stimulation Can Improve Memory in Schizophrenia

A new study published in Biological Psychiatry provides new evidence that stimulating the brain using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may be an effective strategy to improve cognitive function. A randomized, 4-week controlled trial (n=27) evaluated whether rTMS can improve …

Regular Physical Activity Can Reduce Risk of Dementia in Older People

A new study published in the journal Stroke reports that older,  non-disabled individuals who engage in regular physical activity reduced their risk of vascular dementia by 40 percent and risk of any type of cognitive impairment by 60 percent.

The …

Beyond Dopamine: Glutamate as a Target in Schizophrenia

An interesting review in ISRN Pharmacology, a peer-reviewed, open access journal, describes that for the last 60 years, antipsychotic pharmacology targeting antagonism of dopamine (DA) D2 receptors have been the primary treatment choice for schizophrenia. The clinical improvement seen …

Unified Approach To Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Effective In Anxiety Disorders

New research finds that using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) combined with a “transdiagnostic” approach allows therapists to apply one set of principles across anxiety all disorders and provides the most improvement.

Peter Norton, PhD, associate professor in clinical psychology and director …

Distraction Can Reduce Pain

According to a report published in Current Biology, reduced pain perception while being distracted from pain is an everyday example of how cognitive processes can interfere with pain perception. Researchers from the University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany, using high-resolution …

Who Benefits the Most from Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Dementia?

A study in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry reports that the efficacy of cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) has been demonstrated, but little is known about the characteristics of people with dementia, who may respond to this therapy. This study …